lundi 30 janvier 2012

#Gabon: The trial of Bishop Mike Jocktane postponed to February 2nd 2012

Gabon: The trial of Bishop Mike Jocktane postponed to February 2nd 2012 at 8:30AM (2:30PM Eastern Time)

Libreville, January, 23rd 2012.  Following a trial held on January 19th, 2012 against Bishop Mike Jocktane on the basis of “destruction of public property, assault, battery and disturbing the peace" in a popular rally held January 29th, 2011 in Libreville, we have chosen to bring to light the intricacies of this trial to the nation and the international community. It is our opinion that this trial took place in a tense atmosphere with a massive and spectacular presence of the armed forces around and inside the courthouse, yet it has been postponed to February 2, 2012 at 8:30 AM.
Bishop Mike Jocktane is "officially" charged with having participated in a public rally held on January 29th, 2011 in Libreville. It is now crucial to notice that Bishop Mike Jocktane is now the only opposition leader prosecuted up to now, however no real evidence has been brought forward to prove his physical participation in that event (photography, images, eyewitnesses...). The lack of substantive evidence, the daily threats against him since the beginning of this case and the deployment of the army at this trial show a conspiracy to silence a politician leading the fight for so needed democracy and the rule of law in Gabon.
The lawsuit against Bishop Mike Jocktane finds it roots in the heart of the strategy of an illegitimate power established since August 30, 2009 and aimed at using for its benefit all the means available to the State (justice, intelligence, etc.) to eliminate all forms of opposition in Gabon and comfortably impose its dictatorship.
The case against Bishop Mike Jocktane, a former Deputy Chief of Staff of late President Omar Bongo Ondimba and a member of the main opposition party in Gabon, the Union Nationale, is actually prompted by the publication of the book " Le scandale des biens mal acquis" (the scandal of ill-gotten gains or wrongful enrichment) in which Bishop Mike Jocktane stated that Omar Bongo had financed Nicolas Sarkozy’s electoral campaign.
Bishop Mike Jocktane has been harassed and chased by the intelligence services of Ali Bongo’s regime and his life has been threatened since the release of this book and the beginning of the trial in which the name of the State as a civil party is instrumentalized for political purposes.
Bishop Mike Jocktane who is determined to see the triumph of the truth will indeed be present at the hearing scheduled for February 2 , 2012 at 8:30 AM (2:30 PM Eastern Time), in the courthouse of Libreville, capital city of Gabon.

The press team

dimanche 29 janvier 2012

#Gabon: Le procès de l’Evêque Mike Jocktane repoussé au 2 Février

Libreville, le 23 Janvier 2012

Le procès de l’Evêque Mike Jocktane repoussé au 2 Février

Suite au procès tenu le 19 janvier 2012 contre l’Evêque MikeJocktane pour « destruction de biens publics, coups et blessures volontaires  et troubles à l’ordre public » lors d’une marche populaire le 29 janvier 2011 à Libreville ; il est porté à la connaissance de l’opinion nationale et internationale que ce procès, qui s’est déroulé dans un climat tendu avec la présence massive et spectaculaire des forces armées aux abords et à l’intérieur du palais de justice, a été repoussé au 2 février 2012 à 8H30.

L’Evêque Mike Jocktane est « officiellement » poursuivi pour avoir participé à la manifestation populaire du 29 janvier 2011. En rappelant qu’il est, aujourd’hui, le seul leader de l’opposition poursuivi pour cela, ses détracteurs n’ont, à ce jour,  encore versé aucun élément matériel prouvant sa participation physique à la dite manifestation (photographie, images, témoin oculaire…). L’absence de preuve de fond, les menaces quotidiennes exercées contre lui depuis le début de cette affaire ainsi que le déploiement de l’armée dans ce procès témoignent d’une machination visant à faire taire un homme politique qui mène le combat pour la démocratie et l’Etat de droit au Gabon.

 Le procès contre l’Evêque Mike Jocktane rentre en réalité dans le cœur même de la stratégie du pouvoir illégitime établi depuis le 30 août 2009 consistant à utiliser tous les moyens de l’Etat (justice, services secrets, etc.) pour éliminer toute forme d’opposition au Gabon, afin d’asseoir confortablement la dictature. 

 Ancien directeur adjoint du cabinet président Bongo Ondimba et membre du principal parti de l’opposition au Gabon, l’Union Nationale, le procès intenté contre l’Evêque Mike Jocktane fait suite à la publication du livre « le scandale des biens mal acquits » dans lequel il  affirme qu’Omar Bongo Ondimba a financé la campagne électorale de Nicolas Sarkozy.

L’Evêque Mike Jocktane est traqué par les services de renseignement du régime d’Ali Bongo et sa vie est menacée depuis la sortie de cet ouvrage et le déclenchement du procès, dans lequel le nom de l’Etat, en qualité de « partie civile », est instrumentalisé à des fins politiciennes. 

Déterminé à faire triompher la vérité, l’Evêque Mike Jocktane sera bel et bien présent le 2 février 2012 prochain à l’audience.

L’équipe de presse

mercredi 18 janvier 2012

#Gabon: Procès de Mike Jocktane encore remis au 19/01/2012 - Mike Jocktane trial postponed again to Jan 19 2012

Mise à jour: Mike Jocktane s'est rendu au palais de justice de Libreville ce matin, le 18 janvier 2012, où environ une centaine de Gabonais sont allés assister à l'audience pour démontrer leur soutien à l'évêque. Toutefois, le procès n'a pas eu lieu et a été reporté au lendemain, 19 janvier, comme initialement prévu. On peut se demander à quoi joue la justice gabonaise?

Update: Mike Jocktane was at Libreville courthouse this morning, January 18, 2012, where about a hundred Gabonese went to attend the hearing to show their support to the bishop. However, the trial did not take place and was postponed until next day, January 19, as originally planned. One wonders what plays Gabonese justice?

Libreville le 17 Janvier 2012

L’Affaire Mike Jocktane, procès avancé au Jeudi 18/01/2012

Un procès contre l'évêque Mike Jocktane, prévu le 19 Janvier 2012, vient d’être avancé au Jeudi 18 Janvier 2012 à 9h au Palais de Justice de  Libreville.

Ce procès fait suite aux divulgations sur le financement de la campagne présidentielle de Nicolas Sarkozy en 2007 par Omar Bongo, dans le livre de Xavier Harel, "le scandale des biens mal acquis".

A ce jour, sa famille et lui sont fortement persécutés et victimes de toutes sortes d’intimidations de la part des forces de répression d’Ali Ben Bongo. 

Sa vie pourrait être en menacée.

L’équipe de presse

Libreville January 17, 2012
The Case of Mike Jocktane, trial speeding up, now set up for Thursday, Jan 18 2012

A lawsuit against Bishop Mike Jocktane, scheduled January 19, 2012, has been advanced to Thursday, January 18, 2012 at 9 am at the Courthouse in Libreville.

This trial follows the disclosure he made on the financing of the presidential campaign of Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007 by Omar Bongo, in the book by Xavier Harel, "the scandal of ill-gotten gains."

To date, he and his family are victims of severe persecution and all kinds of intimidation by the repressive forces of Ali Ben Bongo.

His life could be threatened.

The press team

lundi 16 janvier 2012

#Gabon: Inspiring speech calling for democracy and change by Paulette Oyane Ondo

Speech of Paulette Oyane Ondo, lawyer
Rally of Opposition and Civil Society
Place Nkembo, Libreville (Gabon)
January 14, 2012

Dear friends, dear compatriots,

Let me first tell you from the bottom of my heart that we have the pleasure each and every one of us to see so many of you at this mythical place of Nkembo, united by the same ideals and the same desire to get as soon as possible alternation of power in our country.

I am very happy to be among people who have the honor to address you this afternoon. And, I thank the organizers for this and all members of the Presidium of our platform opposition / civil society.

Dear friends, dear brothers and sisters,

I want to tell you that I am struck by the vitality and determination with which you expressed your refusal to continue participating in rigged elections.

You have captured the lucid open political debate following the decision taken by arrogant people in power (in Gabon) to organize somehow and suddenly parliamentary elections without guarantee of transparency, sincerity or credibility.

Knowingly, and after hearing all the major players (in the political field) you wanted to say that in the current state of their organization, the elections were not an effective instrument of political change in Gabon.

You have confidently held to reject unambiguously, as we invited you to do so, an outdated practice of people in power that is to despise your choice by substituting election nominations made behind closed doors and in private circles.

Today you are the guarantors of the refusal of election parodies.

Dear friends, I know that as a result of your action on December 17, some malcontents are trying to make you believe on television, neighborhood market, in your workplace, at school and universities, that it did not help.

So I do not want to be mean to these people, but I fear that those who say this do suffer at least a severe memory loss.

I fear they are simply a distraction.

Straight Talk: How many times have we heard your complaints?

How many times have we heard your legitimate complaints for being involved for years in elections which winners are known in advance and to cry fraud after?

How many times have you had heard that it is useless to take complains to the Constitutional Court because it does not change anything?

You, the Gabonese people, consider that the Constitutional Court acts as a specialized agency of the ruling party responsible for investing the candidates selected by people in power!

Since this shame spectacle is also exhausting for you, one had to end it.

That's why on December 17 you sent a signal to the world, I mean the whole world, saying clearly what you mean now is that your choices must be respected.

By your attitude of non-cooperation and non-participation in elections last December, you have finally created a new spirit.

You have decided by this act, that you, the Gabonese people, you are the one and only Power.

You have expressed your desire to want democracy here and now!

In doing so conscientiously and responsibly, you wanted to carry the universal word demanding freedom and dignity which are ultimately the joint program of all peoples in all countries and at all latitudes .

This choice of hope is what I call the year zero of the public life of Gabon. Because of this action of yours, nothing will ever be the same.

At the same time, dear brothers and sisters, this choice of hope is also steeped in requirements, starting with the requirement of working together to which you invite us and it had always be known as one of your wishes.

In fact, yourselves have understood and felt for a long time and before your leaders, that only working together or the unity of the opposition, could make things happen and brings to you the good life, well being and decency a dignified life.

I want to say to this effect that your determination inspired us and led us to working together.

I am announcing that the opposition and civil society gathered here have decided not to do politics for a man, for a candidate or a party, but for a huge collective ambition.

We propose a new political horizon through our new platform.

Gone are the days of the dissipation of energy within the opposition and civil society!

We passed the time of personal quarrels and the Battle of egos. Because we realized that this scattering weakens the speech and consistency of the opposition and civil society, while making the bed and the play of those in power.

Now we work together for the country and we do not associate with those who violate the interests of the people of Gabon.

We have taken this decision in good conscience and responsibility because Gabon has need for change, because you deserve this change.

This change can only come from this side of the political spectrum, a responsible opposition, ambitious and gathered around an innovative project.

And this project is the alternation.

Of course, we are aware and you also find it difficult to fight this battle in the context of authoritarian tendencies and restriction of freedoms: suspension of the press and television that emit a dissenting opinion, to the legitimate demands of scholarships by students they oppose the force of bayonets.

But I want to tell you, my friends, that the vastness of our ambition forbids us to allow ourselves to be intimidated again.

Because you have decided on December 17 to be free on your own.

And we have confidence in you.

We have confidence because you are beautiful people and that you carry powerful resource.

We have confidence because you understand that you are the masters of the game and you understand that the problem is your passive submission to power. Because one is dominated because he or she agrees to be dominated.

We have confidence because we are now working collectively and tirelessly for the alternation of political power.

We have confidence because we know we can count on your refusal to continue to endorse the geopolitics that kills intelligence, skills and energies in discriminating and excluding of public life tens of thousands of you in the name of ethnic , provincial and clan considerations.

Dear friends, I beg you to believe me, we will win because you no longer want a brutal society where the human being is not a central concern of those who govern you;

We will win because you do not want absurd poverty that is imposed upon you and leaves you by the wayside, leaving our children to die at the doors of hospitals due to lack of support, which instead of building decent housing for dignified people (because housing is the dignity of life) destroyed what little they have while laughing irresponsibly about the dismay of people.

We will win because you're tired of constant political propaganda that leads to nothingness, of whims and manly shin shots to impress who knows who, in seeking to win rather than convinced.

We are confident in our next victory because those who are the seeds of our people no longer want to be laughed at in their home country, they no longer support that foreigners have more rights than Gabonese themselves in senior civil service, in government, market, on the street, in the private sector and even in the functioning of the governing powers of the state.

We are confident because we know that Gabon can no longer tolerate the guilty inertia of government when face with the confusion and terror arousing in us because of the murders of young Gabonese for purposes of witchcraft and electoral and administrative fetishism.

We are confident because we know that you are aware of what we can not have order and security in a society where there is injustice.

The Gabonese no longer tolerate impunity for those who are characterized custodians of public authority and does not suffer for their wrong doings, their transgressions and their breaches.

Finally, we are confident because we know you raised up more than before, since December 17.

My dear friends, the task of politics and politicians is to trace the prospects for our struggle to have any chance of success.

We must therefore be given to the existence of our people something that seems to miss that is to say a sense both in terms of the meaning of our struggle, but also the direction of it.

To Gabonese present here and beyond, those listening in deep Gabon, I propose to establish a new pact.

The pact must be based on the return to the Republic and the modernization of our behavior.

Back to the roots of the Republic should make us understand how our country has a democratic deficit almost unique in Africa.

Gabon since 1990 missed the democratic opening that would have allowed the acquisition and recognition of a number of rights to the opposition and individual and collective freedoms for citizens.

This model, which is the requirement for progress and justice, was unfortunately not implimented in Gabon.

In response, we must adopt a civic and one republic-oriented attitudes.

Because citizenship is both the basis of the functioning of a Republic and democracy, and it must be a founder of our current fight for real change.

Being a citizen means being aware of our rights and exercise them without complacency or weakness.

Being a citizen is to set goals for the general interest and the means to achieve them. And the first goal for us today here in Gabon is to impose political change quickly.

Being a citizen is in many ways being a humanist with the ultimate goal, the liberation of the human being.

Dear brothers and sisters, this imperative of citizenship which is the soul of democracy and the Republic system requires deep cultural change and changing in attitudes.

In this spirit, I ask you to defend your rights.

I ask you not to tolerate any injustice you feel being subject to.

I ask you not to let anyone dictate to you the things that go against your beliefs.

I ask you not to let anyone walk all over you without reacting.

I urge you to resist, because the first duty of a free conscience, is to resist oppression wherever it comes from.

I invite you to abandon your usual "what will we still do?" (or, there is nothing we can do about it).

I ask you not to give in to intimidation, blackmail and fear. Nothing is more against the Republic and democracy then smug attitudes of submission, resignation, irresponsibility and refusal to assume and guarantee respect for your rights.

And the choice is yours, because the legitimacy of political power and our current fight, come from you.

That's what we want,

This is the ambition we believe in,

That's the dynamic that leads us.

Dear compatriots, with you, we want to live in a Republic and create conditions for an alternate and sustainable democracy.

I just told you the method and instructions.

But we can really succeed only if you trust us and if we in our turn, we respect the word that we give you.

It is this new and refounded covenant that we are offering.

To all Gabonese who are here in Gabon and those living abroad, we say have confidence and faith in the relevance of our efforts and success of our work.

Long live the People of Gabon
Long live the Republic
Long live democracy.

Paulette Oyane-ONDO
Lawyer to the Bar of Gabon

Non-governmental, non-partisan and non-profit organization
Final receipt No. 112/MISPID/SG/CEI of December 10, 2009
BP 6807 - Libreville - Tel. : 06 26 73 12 –

Translate from french by Citoyen Libre Gabon

mardi 10 janvier 2012

#Gabon: The Mike Joctane's case

Libreville (Gabon), Jan 2, 2012

The Mike Jocktane’s case

A lawsuit against Bishop Mike Jocktane, scheduled December 23, 2011, was postponed to January 19, 2012 at 9 am at the Courthouse in Libreville. Bishop Mike Jocktane is charged with suspicion of involvement in a banned demonstration January 29, 2011, disturbances to public order and assault and battery. However, it remains the only opposition member prosecuted for this political crime.

For over a year, he and his family are victims of severe persecution and all kinds of intimidation by the repressive forces of Ali Ben Bongo.

This political trial comes after disclosures of the Bishop Jocktane in the book by Xavier Harel, "the scandal of ill-gotten gains."

Following his revelations, Bishop Mike Jocktane is the physical, media, political and now legal target of the Gabonese government. The resume of the trial for suspicion of involvement in a banned demonstration is an example.

The Bishop intends to defend himself with honor and determination in the face of this "gabonese repressive system," as counsel for the State of Gabon, Mr. Francis NKEA, put it in his book "the right of defense in the criminal justice system in Gabon. "

The Press team

Mike Jocktane in brief

Having studied theology in the United States, I returned to Port-Gentil (Gabon's economic capital) with a strong desire to put myself in service to others, especially the poor. The highlight of my fight. I founded the organization Christ Revealed to Nations (CRN) which affects positively, since its inception, the lives of thousands of people in Gabon and in the Francophone world.

Wishing to fundamental changes in the political and economic life of Gabon, I express my need to correct social injustices increasingly large in this country. So, wanting to make it compatible with my beliefs as a Christian, I engaged myself into politics and become advisor of the late President Omar Bongo and Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidency of the Republic.

Christian values that I was embodying did not make it easy for me when I started working at the Presidence office. But when I heard the famous speech of December 2007 of late President Omar Bongo, I realized that my presence at his side contributed to a profound change in his vision of Gabonese politics.

On the death of the latter, not wishing to break with the new address by our late President, I choose to support the candidate Andre Mba Obame, candidate at the presidential elections held on August 30, 2009.

Now with the opposition, I am looking forward to daring, being open and showing some impertinence for an innovative Gabon.


#Gabon: L'Affaire Mike Jocktane

Libreville (Gabon), 2 Janvier 2012
L’Affaire Mike Jocktane

Un procès contre l'évêque Mike Jocktane, prévu le 23 Décembre 2011, a été reporte le 19 Janvier 2012 à 9h au Palais de Justice de Libreville. L'Evêque Mike Jocktane est poursuivi pour soupçons de  participation à une manifestation interdite le 29 Janvier 2011, de troubles à l'ordre public et de coups et blessures volontaires. Il demeure cependant le seul opposant poursuivi en justice pour ce délit politique.

Depuis maintenant plus d'un an, sa famille et lui sont fortement persécutes et victimes de toutes sortes d'intimidations de la part des forces de répression d'Ali Ben Bongo.

Ce procès politique intervient après les divulgations de l'Evêque Jocktane dans le livre de Xavier Harel, "le scandale des biens mal acquis".

Suite à cette prise de position, l’Evêque Mike JOCKTANE est désormais la cible physique, médiatique, politique et désormais juridique de l’Etat gabonais. La reprise du procès pour soupçons de participations à une manifestation interdite en est une illustration.

L'Evêque entend se défendre avec honneur et détermination face à ce "système répressif gabonais", pour reprendre les termes employés par l'avocat de l'Etat gabonais, Me Francis NKEA, publiés dans son livre "les droits de la défense en matière pénale au Gabon".

L’équipe de presse

Mike Jocktane en quelques mots

Après avoir suivi des études en théologie aux USA,  je rentre à Port-Gentil (capital économique du Gabon) avec la ferme volonté de me mettre au service des autres, et plus particulièrement des plus démunis. Point d’orgue de mon combat. Je fonde ainsi l’organisation Christ Révélé aux Nations (CRN) qui affecte positivement depuis sa création la vie de milliers de gens au Gabon et dans le monde francophone.

Souhaitant des changements fondamentaux dans la vie politique et économique du Gabon, j’exprime mon besoin de corriger les injustices sociales de plus en plus grandes dans ce pays. Ainsi, voulant rendre compatible mes convictions de chrétien, je m’engage en politique et deviens conseiller de feu le Président Omar Bongo, puis Directeur de cabinet adjoint  de la Présidence de la République.

Les valeurs chrétiennes que je portais, ne m’ont pas rendu la tâche facile à mon arrivée à la présidence. Mais lorsque j’entendis le célèbre discours  du Décembre 2007 d’Omar Bongo, je compris que ma présence à ses côtés a contribué à un changement profond dans sa vision de la politique gabonaise.

A la mort de ce dernier, ne souhaitant pas rompre avec le nouveau discours prononcé par notre défunt président, je choisis de soutenir le candidat André Mba Obame aux élections présidentielles controversées du 30 Août 2009.

Aujourd’hui dans l’opposition, j’entends avec vous oser, faire preuve d’ouverture et d’impertinence pour un Gabon innovant.

L’équipe de presse