Gabon: Les amuseurs de foule du PDG découvrent (sic) que les jeunes vivent très mal à Libreville
Décidément on aura déjà vu le même scénario avec Sylvia et Ali Bongo qui sont allés visiter des quartiers pauvres de Libreville (Capitale du Gabon) pour supposément toucher du doigt les réalités de la vie quotidienne de bien des Gabonais. Depuis ce cirque propagandiste, absolument rien n'a changé dans ces quartiers insalubres et dignes de la grande misère, malgré les richesses du pays que se partage la petite élite familio-amicale des Bongo au Gabon.
Au tour d'un autre jeune pédégiste, qui pourtant a étudié au Lycée à Libreville, d'aller s'indigner en visitant un quartier pauvre, Atong Abè. Est-ce le fait d'être allé étudier en France qui a fait oublier à ce jeune homme les réalités qu'il connaissait de son pays? C'est à faire dormir debout! Ce qui est plus sûr est que ces autres larmes de crocodiles versées par les pédégistes, aussi jeunes émergents soient-ils, n'impressionneront pas les Gabonais. Au contraire, en publiant ces photos, les jeunes émergents ne font que démontrer ce que le peuple dénonce: 44 ans de gestion destructrice et calamiteuse du Gabon par le PDG au pouvoir. Au lieu de s'indigner encore faussement et honteusement, Ali Bongo et ses sbires pédégistes doivent tout simplement quitter le pouvoir. Ils ont failli lamentablement et honteusement. Ils peuvent s'indigner comme ils veulent; cela n'impressionne plus les Gabonais. Nous savons que tout ce qui les intéresse c'est le pouvoir et l'argent qu'ils volent à longueur de journée.
Seuls les naïfs peuvent croire à ce soudain élan de solidarité des membres du PDG qui, manifestement, sont entrain de préparer leur campagne pour les prochaines échéances électorales, notamment la présidentielle de 2016. Les Gabonais ne doivent pas se faire endormir par ces faux témoignages des gens qui sont au pouvoir depuis 44 ans et qui font semblant de découvrir la misère quotidienne des Gabonais. C'est du bleuf!
Depuis que Ali Bongo est «président», les larmes de crocodiles pleuvent, mais rien pour le peuple. Entre-temps, on nous sert des shows de distraction: courses de bateaux, courses de motos, carnaval, concerts de rap, terrain de golf, etc. Des choses ridicules qui ne changent rien à la misère des Gabonais, comme celle de ces de jeunes de Atong Abè qu'on veut encore amadouer avec des promesses qui ne seront jamais tenues.
Ouvrez les yeux et soyez inspirés (Égypte, Brésil, Turquie, etc.), chers Gabonais!
Gabon: Crowd entertainers of ruling party PDG discovered (sic) that young people live in extreme poverty in Libreville
we have seen the same scenario with Sylvia and Ali Bongo who went to
visit the slums of Libreville (Gabon's Capital city) for allegedly finger on
the realities of everyday life for many Gabonese. Since that
propaganda circus, absolutely nothing has changed in these unhealthy
and abject poverty neighborhoods, despite the wealth of the country
that shares the Familio-friendly elite of Bongo in Gabon.
Taking his turn, another young «pédégiste» (member of PDG, ruling party) that yet studied at the Lycée (high school) in Libreville going indignant visiting a slum, Atong Abe. Is it because he went to study in France that this young man forgot he knew the realities of his country? This is to make you sleep standing! What is more certain is that these other crocodile tears paid by pédégistes, as young as they are so-called emerging, do not impress anyone in Gabon. Instead, by publishing these photos, the young «emerging» only demonstrates what the people have been denouncing: 44 years of destructive and mismanagement of Gabon by the ruling party, PDG. Instead of yet falsely and shamefully being outrage, Ali Bongo and his pédégistes henchmen simply must leave power. They failed miserably and shamefully. They can be indignant as they want, it no longer impresses the Gabonese people. We know that all they care about is power and money they steal all day long.
Only the naive can believe this sudden show of solidarity from PDG members who obviously are now preparing their campaign for the upcoming elections, including the presidential election in 2016. Gabonese must not be lulled by the false testimony of people who are in power for 44 years and who pretend to discover the daily misery of Gabon. It's a bluff!
Since Ali Bongo became "president", the crocodile tears are raining, but nothing for the people. Meanwhile, we are served shows for distraction: boat racing, motorcycle racing, carnival, rap concerts, building of golf course, etc.. Ridiculous things that do not change the misery of the people of Gabon, such as those of young people living in Atong Abe that PDG wants even coax again with promises that are never kept.
Open your eyes and be inspired (Egypt, Brazil, Turkey, etc.), dear Gabonese!
Taking his turn, another young «pédégiste» (member of PDG, ruling party) that yet studied at the Lycée (high school) in Libreville going indignant visiting a slum, Atong Abe. Is it because he went to study in France that this young man forgot he knew the realities of his country? This is to make you sleep standing! What is more certain is that these other crocodile tears paid by pédégistes, as young as they are so-called emerging, do not impress anyone in Gabon. Instead, by publishing these photos, the young «emerging» only demonstrates what the people have been denouncing: 44 years of destructive and mismanagement of Gabon by the ruling party, PDG. Instead of yet falsely and shamefully being outrage, Ali Bongo and his pédégistes henchmen simply must leave power. They failed miserably and shamefully. They can be indignant as they want, it no longer impresses the Gabonese people. We know that all they care about is power and money they steal all day long.
Only the naive can believe this sudden show of solidarity from PDG members who obviously are now preparing their campaign for the upcoming elections, including the presidential election in 2016. Gabonese must not be lulled by the false testimony of people who are in power for 44 years and who pretend to discover the daily misery of Gabon. It's a bluff!
Since Ali Bongo became "president", the crocodile tears are raining, but nothing for the people. Meanwhile, we are served shows for distraction: boat racing, motorcycle racing, carnival, rap concerts, building of golf course, etc.. Ridiculous things that do not change the misery of the people of Gabon, such as those of young people living in Atong Abe that PDG wants even coax again with promises that are never kept.
Open your eyes and be inspired (Egypt, Brazil, Turkey, etc.), dear Gabonese!
Photos: UJPDG