Open letter to Mr. Aliaune Badara Thiam aka
Akon, Senegalese-American singer and producer of RnB
Libreville (Gabon), February 18, 2014
Subject: Your project for
the electrification of Africa
Since the beginning of this year,
you are crisscrossing African countries in a tour called
"Akon Tour for
the electrification of Africa" which targets nine African countries,
including Gabon. So you're supporting a village electrification project in
Africa. Called "Akon Lighting Africa", this project aims to bring
electricity to nearly one million African rural households, by using solar
energy, which for you would be your contribution to the development of Africa.
You are a known international star,
but it is not music, your area of excellence, which brings you to Gabon: it is
rather business with Ali Bongo and his friends.
We condemn this latest attempt to
steal and launder Gabonese public funds which we suspect, because for over four
years that Mr. Ali Bongo has been in power, nothing has been done at the social
level and, with all due respect, it is not you who are going to change that. At
best, your business will serve to enrich you and fill the pockets even more of
the kleptomaniacs at the head of Gabon. From experience, we bet that no village
will be electrified through your project.
Like you, Richard Attias announced
thousands of job creation following his New York Forum Africa. After two
editions, waiting for the third which is scheduled to take place this next May,
no social assessment can be made of this money pit. However, Gabonese money was
used to further enrich Mr. Attias, partners, rogues and accomplices.
Akon, take the time to consult
financial data about Gabon and tell us how your social project is suitable for
our country. We believe that Gabon has no need for your charity and that if the
benefits from the exploitation of Gabon's natural resources were managed
properly, each Gabonese citizen would be able to live decently. You ridicule
your project by including Gabon and you dishonor yourself. We recommend that
you turn instead toward countries that really need your charity. There are some
in Africa. For example, Senegal, your country of origin.
You want to do useful work for
Gabon? We propose a concrete plan:
- Denounce the illegitimate rule of Ali Bongo, who has not been elected by the people of Gabon. He succeeded his father, who ruled for more than forty years over Gabon, with the support of institutions and an army led by members of his family, like the President of the Constitutional Court who is an official mistress of his father.
- Denounce ritual crimes which you have probably heard
of. It is a barbaric practice that involves taking while the victim is still
alive, vital organs of an individual (eyes, tongue, sex ....) to get power,
money and glory. We know that the ritual crimes are sponsored by the people in
power. Indeed, since the advent of Ali Bongo to power, we are witnessing a
resurgence of ritual crimes with total impunity of perpetrators and sponsors.
There is not a day that goes by without a mutilated body being found somewhere
in Gabon.
We inform you that our fight against this scourge has earned us the support hacktivists "Anonymous" in a warning message sent on April 13 to the Gabonese government, and we continue to fight for justice.

- Denounce how little is being done for the education
of our children who are crammed into classrooms of over a hundred students, Ali
Bongo having not seen fit to build one school since his accession to power.
However, he requisitioned a locker at a football stadium as a classroom.
Last December, hundreds of students took to the
streets to support their teachers who had been on strike for two months. In
response to their legitimate demands, Ali Bongo sent to them a contingent of
soldiers to beat them into submission.
- Denounce the fact that in Gabon, women still give
birth on the floor, and students of the only university in the country are
studying in more than deplorable conditions (see report by France 24, Les
Observateurs, released on 6 April 2013).
We stop at these four items to help
you understand the meaning of our struggle and the reason for this letter.
Believing that you, the little
Senegalese from St. Louis now a great American star, carry with you the noble
human values of freedom, equality of opportunity, and that you place human dignity
above all, we ask you to consider in all conscience whether your presence in
Gabon would be wise.
In fact, we appeal to your
conscience, your humanity and ask you to renounce implanting your project in
Gabon since it would only be a pure communication operation to the glory of Ali
We hope that you have a sense of
history and it is in this context that we ask you to analyze the historical
significance of your support to the current regime. Because our people would be
very happy to welcome you in other circumstances, we say that your presence in
Libreville will be for us a clear position against the Gabonese people.
Our priorities are education,
health, and housing. Mr. Bongo and his government would be unable to show you
their achievements in only in these areas, after 4 years in power.
For full disclosure, we inform you
that the contents of this letter will be communicated to the press, civil
societies and human rights organizations worldwide.
We hope you understand our approach.
Please accept, Sir, the
assurance of our highest consideration.
For Education trade unions Convention -
Convention nationale des Syndicats du Secteur Education (CONASYSED) – Mr.
Marcel LIBAMA, in charge of Administration – contact : +241 06 77 28 71
For the citizen movement « Ça suffit comme Ça »,
Mr. Marc Ona Essangui, Goldman Prize 2009 - contact: +241 07 29 41 40
For the Front of Gabonese Indignants, Mr.
Gregory NGBWA MINTSA, Integrity Award of Transparency International 2009 and
2010 - contact: +241 06 24 61 57
For the Women movement against rituals crimes,
Mrs. Blanche SIMONNY ABEGUE, Chairperson - contact: +241 06 49 08 39
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